CONFERENCE: Mobility and Space in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe

Please note that the deadline to register for the event is SATURDAY 17th JUNE.

The application of spatial paradigms to the study of late medieval and early modern societies is now well underway. In contrast, the so-called ‘mobility turn’ has struggled to find its way from the social sciences to the humanities and particularly to disciplines concerned with the study of the past. This conference proposes to bring the two together by exploring how everyday mobility contributed to the shaping of late medieval and early modern spaces, and how spatial frameworks affected the movement of people in pre-modern Europe.

In focusing on these issues, the conference also intends to relate to current social challenges. The world is now more mobile than ever, yet it is often argued that more spatial boundaries exist today than ever before. The conference hopes to reflect on this contemporary paradox by exploring the long-term history of the tension between the dynamism of communities, groups and individuals, and the human construction of spaces and borders.

The conference brings together both early-career and more established scholars from over a dozen different countries. It features a total of 20 papers and 2 keynote speaches, which will be given by Dr Mario Damen (University of Amsterdam) and Dr Rosa Salzberg (University of Warwick). For the full programme, please visit our website