Designing net zero governance: The moment for multilateral governance and national regulation

National net zero commitments now cover 88% of global emissions, 92% of GDP and 89% of the world’s population (Net Zero Tracker). To support this, net zero guidance and standards now exist for organisations at every level of the economy. Still, an implementation gap exists with respect to net zero regulation and implementation at the national level – and there is limited multilateral guidance on as to how nations develop and report their net zero commitments.

What would a good net zero governance look like, nationally and internationally? In this Oxford Net Zero webinar, fellows Selam Kidane Abebe and Kaya Axelsson, alongside expert contributors, will discuss national net zero regulation and the need for a multilateral guidance on net zero governance for governments. How can coordinated mandates on net zero level the playing field and accelerate innovation across regions and the private sector?