This two-day workshop aims to highlight approaches from the Global South in the field of Internet, Data and AI Studies. It will gather Global South authors to present their countries and regions’ theoretical and methodological contributions. It will also be an opportunity to enrich the dialogue among Global South scholars and between those and Global North researchers.
This workshop is supported by the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies.
On the first day, at Wadham College, sessions will discuss the Global South scholarship in the fields, with panels specifically focused on Asian, African, and Latin American contributions to these topics. Speakers and programme are below.
The second day, 26th March, 11:15-5pm, will be dedicated to presentations and discussions. Attendance for day 2 is online only.
Organising Committee
Jonas C. L. Valente (Oxford Internet Institute, UK, Universities of Brasilia and of Ceara, Brazil, chair)
Ekaterina Hertog (Oxford Internet Institute, UK)
Janaki Srinivasan (Oxford Internet Institute and Oxford School of Global and Area Studies UK)
Cheryll Soriano (De La Salle University, the Philippines)
Rafael Grohmann (University of Toronto, Canada, Brazilian Institute on Science and Technology/ Informational Sovereignty, Brazil)
Helena Martins (Federal University of Ceara, Brazil)
Rutendo Chabikwa (Oxford Internet Institute, UK, African Digital Rights Network)
Ana Valdivia (Oxford Internet Institute, UK and UCL Institute of Advanced Studies, UK, Tierracomún Network)
Anjali Krishan (Oxford Internet Institute, UK)
Day 1- workshop – Wadham College
10:00-10:20 Arrival
10:20-10:30 Opening Remarks
10:30-11:30 Roundtable 1 – “Global Southing” critical Internet and data studies: empowering approaches from the margins
Chair: Jonas Valente – Oxford Internet Institute (UK)
Andrea Medrado – University of Exeter and IAMCR (UK)
Cheryll Soriano – La Sale University (the Philippines)
11:30-11:45 Break
11:45-12:45 Roundtable 2 – Critical Internet and data studies from Asian perspectives
Janaki Srinivasan – Oxford Internet Institute and Oxford School of Global and Area Studies (UK)
Jian Xiao – Zhejiang University (China)
Fadi Salem – Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government (United Arab Emirates)
12:45-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Roundtable 3 – Critical Internet and data studies from African perspectives
Chair: Rebekah Lee – Oxford School of Global and Area Studies (UK)
Rutendo Chabikwa – Oxford Internet Institute (UK)
Mohammad Amir Anwar – University of Edinburgh (UK)
Tanja Bosch – University of Cape Town (South Africa)
15:00-15:20 Break
15:30-16:30 Roundtable 4 – Critical Internet and data studies from Latin American perspectives
Patricia Peña – Universidad de Chile (Chile)
César Bolaño – University of Sergipe (Brazil) and Social Sciences Latin American Council (Clacso) political economy working group.
Andrés Domínguez Hernández – The Alan Turning Institute (UK)
16:30-17:00 Closing Remarks
Day 2 – Research approaches conversations – OII, 1 St Giles
On the second day, researchers will have informal sessions to discuss their research, and the approaches adopted from Global South regions. The aim is to promote an exchange among OII, Oxford and Global South students and researchers.
11:15-12:30 Ashish Makanadar Digital Coup d’État: How AI Threatens Political Sovereignty in the Global South
June Wang Accumulated Affect and the Deep Interface: Rethinking Intellectual Property in China’s Digital Creator Economy
Theshaya Naidoo African philosophical traditions and contemporary AI ethics scholarship
Pradipa P. RASIDI Becoming a “Real Gen Z”: AI Imaginaries and Youth Politics in Indonesia
12:30-13:00 Break
13:00-14:15 Wouter Grove Emerging Digital Platform Design in the Global South: Insights from a Failure Case.
Kefala Christina Ana Silicon Dreams, National Schemes: AI and the Rise of Digital Nationalism in China’s Cultural Industries
Cenk Arslan The Techno-Politics of AI Governance in the Global South: A Critical Perspective from Syria, Egypt, and Jordan
Pablo Nabarrete Bastos Marxist critique of platformization and AI processes based on José Carlos Mariátegui and the Brazilian tradition of Political Economy of Communication (PEC)
14:15-15:45 Break
15:45-17:00 Benjamin Akinmoyeje Exploring AI Algorithms Behind Social Media Platforms and Their Effects on African Cultural Identities
Hiu-Fung Chung De-Westernizing Critical AI Studies: Tinkering, Translation and Transmutation of AI from an East Asian Perspective
Luisa Ochoa Artificial Intelligence from the Global South: Mediations, Artifacts, and Content
Pía Garavaglia Global South Perspectives on Internet, Data, and AI Governance
In Person
10:00-11:10 Nandana Sengupta Public vs Private provisioning of AI tools in high-stakes contexts: experimental evidence from technology and law students in India
Rafael Grohmann Platform Dependency: Towards a Marxist Theory of Dependency Approach
Ralph Schroeder UK AI, China, and the Global South
Emma Davies Digital Public History and Generative AI in Nigeria
11:10-11:20 Break
11:20-12:30 Ashwin Varghese Algorithmic Governance and Postcoloniality: Perspectives on E-Governance from India
Govand Khalid Azeez The Political Economy of AI Development: Global South Perspectives on Digital Infrastructure and Knowledge Inequalities
Helena Martins Analyzing competition in digital markets: a contribution from the Political Economy of Communication developed in Brazil
Joanna Wiaterek, Jonas Kgomo, Jared Perlo African AI Safety: A Strategic Approach
12:30-13:00 Break
13:00-14:15 Reham Hosny Grassroots Algorithmic Resistance: Challenging Inequalities in Digital Governance from the Global South
Ellen Agnew When you Tweet your heart, bandage Twitter: Aestheticising algorithmic violence as a strategy for decoloniality in contemporary South Africa
Shuxian Liu and Edgar Gómez-Cruz Vernacular theories: Building technocultures from the South
Pranav Dwivedi AI and Dalit Social Mobility in India: Towards Asian-Informed Theories and Methods for Equitable Digital Development
14:15-14:20 Break
14:20-15:35 Stephanie Dimatulac Santos ICTs and Infostructures of Feeling: Notes from the Philippines
Shiva Kanwar and Isha Suri Auditing AI: Reconciling Global North AI Practices with Global South Digital Realities
Laure Gnassou Problems in Adopting Global North Concepts to Global South Digital Practices Geopolitics of Tin: The DR Congo in the Age of AI”
Jean Garcia Periche Addressing the ‘AI divide’ between the Global North and the Global South
15:35-15:45 Break
15:45-17:00 Ding, N The Social-cultural Roots of Platformisation: Urban Middle-Class Struggles in China
Alli Spring Problems in adopting Global North concepts to Global South digital practices
Tugce Vidav and Smith Mehta Global South Global South Creator Cultures
Ramsha Ashraf Politics and International Relations with a focus on Cyber Security, Governance and Post-conflict, State-building
Registration is open in person or online for day 1 and online only for day 2.
Only those who have papers accepted for day 2 will be invited to join in person.