Mark Malloch Brown in conversation with Professor Ngaire Woods

For this exclusive talk, open only to graduate students at the Blavatnik School, ODID and DPIR, the President of Open Society Foundations and former UN Deputy Secretary-General Mark Malloch Brown joins the Dean of the Blavatnik School of Government to share insights from his work on human rights, justice and development for the past four decades.

Throughout his career, Mark has served as World Bank Vice-President for External Affairs, as Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations under Kofi Annan, and as Minister of State for Africa and the United Nations in the UK Government (under Gordon Brown) from 2007 to 2009. He co-chairs the Board of Trustees at Crisis Group, an international NGO committed to preventing and resolving deadly conflict, which he also helped found in 1995. He formerly chaired Best for Britain, a group that makes the case for Britain’s engagement with the European Union and the world, and has led the boards of both the Royal Africa Society and the UN Foundation. He was knighted for his contribution to international affairs and is currently on leave from the British House of Lords.

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