This conference brings together academics, policy makers, medical practitioners and postgraduate students in diverse fields including but not limited to medicine, population health, medical anthropology, global public health, and primary care health sciences. We hope to generate discussions on broad approaches to understanding obesity around the world and its relation to human development, social wellbeing, food environment, and food and health policy in the past, present, and future.
Admission is free and refreshments and a sandwich lunch will be provided.
Registration is required.
From 09.55: Registration and refreshments in the Stables Bar
Morning Session
Chair: Keiko Kanno, DPhil, Medical Anthropology, Green Templeton College, University of Oxford.
Welcome by Professor Denise Lievesley CBE, Principal of Green Templeton College.
10.10 – 11.00
Keynote Lecture. Obesity – Human Developmental Perspectives. Professor Stanley Ulijaszek, Professor of Human Ecology, University of Oxford and Director of Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity.
11.00 – 11.40
The metabolic consequences of obesity. Professor Leanne Hodson, Professor of Metabolic Physiology and BHF Senior Basic Science Research Fellow, Radcliffe Department of Medicine.
11.40 – 12.20 Using low-energy diets to treat obesity: from research into practice. Dr Nerys Astbury, Senior Researcher, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford.
12.20 – 13.00
The evolution of adipose tissues and how natural obesity in wild mammals elucidates human obesity. Dr Caroline Pond, Honorary Senior Research Associate in Zoology, Oxford and Emeritus Professor of the Open University.
13.00 – 13.30
Chair: Professor Keith Frayn, Emeritus Professor of Human Metabolism, University of Oxford.
Lunch in the Stables Bar
Afternoon Session
Chair: Professor Robert Arnott, Associate Fellow of Green Templeton College
14.15 – 14.55
What’s the endgame? A 20-year vision for obesity. Professor Harry Rutter, Professor of Global Public Health, University of Bath.
14.55 – 15.25
Decolonising obesity: An Indigenous Australian perspective. Sarah Bourke, DPhil, Medical Anthropology, St John’s College, University of Oxford.
15.25 – 16.05
The UK Government’s Childhood Obesity Plan. Professor Mike Rayner, Professor of Population Health and Director of the Centre on Population Approaches for Non-Communicable Disease Prevention (CPNP), University of Oxford.
16.05 – 16.35
Obesity and the Food Environment in Mongolia. Keiko Kanno, DPhil, Medical Anthropology, Green Templeton College, University of Oxford.
16.35 – 17.05
Chair: Professor Robert Arnott, Associate Fellow of Green Templeton College
Closing Words
Maryam Ahmadyar, DPhil, Primary Care Health Sciences, Green Templeton College, University of Oxford.
Coffee and Tea in the in the Stables Bar