Migration, money transfers and mobile money: evidence from Niger

Demand for sending and receiving remittances is substantial in Niger; yet fewer than 3% of households use mobile money despite relatively high rates of mobile phone ownership and the comparable costs of other transfer services. Jenny Aker, Professor of Development Economics at The Fletcher School of Tufts University, presents her paper ‘Migration, money transfers and mobile money: evidence from Niger’, which uses data on the supply and demand for money transfer services to better understand the low mobile money adoption in Niger. She is joined by Stefan Dercon, Professor of Economic Policy at the Blavatnik School, to discuss the paper and take questions from the audience.

The seminar forms part of the ‘New Frontiers of Digital Governance’ series, which explores cutting-edge research on the governance of digital technologies. The series brings together leading experts to discuss the real-world policy implications of their work, and provides an opportunity for audience engagement.