What’s new in inflammatory bowel disease?
Public information event
What’s on…
What’s new & what’s coming in medicine & surgery? State of the art lecture (Dr Alissa Walsh, Dr Oliver Brain & Mr Mark Bignell)
Diet and IBD: Progress at last (Professor Kevin Whelan, London).
Presentations on the latest research into the management of Crohn’s disease & Ulcerative Colitis
Growing up with IBD: State of the art lecture (Dr Hannah Gordon & Professor Holm Uhlig)
Panel Question & Answers Session
Presentations from charities CCUK and CICRA
We are very pleased to invite you to attend our third educational evening focussing on progress in Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Presentations from Oxford consultants and specialists will cover latest progress in the medical and surgical management of these diseases, current research studies, and a special session focussing on young people growing up with inflammatory bowel disease.
In addition, we are delighted that Professor Kevin Whelan, from King’s College London is coming to give a state of the art talk on diet and inflammatory bowel disease. He is a well-recognised expert in this area.
All of the speakers will take part in a Question & Answer session.
There is no charge for the event, and we will plan to make arrangements for car parking, and refreshments.
If you are not able to attend, but would still like to ask a question, please ask here: forms.office.com/e/Bn5J63ic5y