Day 1: Tuesday 18 June
09:00-09:30 Registration in Mansfield College, Junior Common Room (JCR)
09:30-11:15 Queer Armenian Library, meet at Mansfield Porter’s Lodge at 09:15
Please sign up in advance with Ellie:
10:30-11:30 Tea and coffee
11:30-12:30 Panel 1: 20th Century Trans History; Panel 2: Troubling identities
12:30-13:30 Poster presentations; Lunch provided
13:30-14:30 Panel 3: What can queer and trans bibliography do for queen and trans history; Panel 4: Queer Encounters Across Borders
14:30-15:00 Tea and coffee
15:00-16:00 Panel 5: Black Queer Histories
14:15-17:15 Roundtable discussion with the Chairs of today’s panels, chaired by Matt Cook
18:15-19:15 Roundtable discussion of Queer Scandinavin histories
This session is open to the public and requires booking
Please see website for full programme: