What defines a scientific discovery with market value?
How are innovations evaluated by investors?
What makes a successful investor pitch?
How do I make personal impact?
Other than good science, it takes young entrepreneurs so much more to transfer ideas into a real business. In this event we bring in expertise from both the fundraising and the investor’s perspective, to help you address all the questions above. Join us for industry insights, chances to discuss your start-up ideas, and preparing to get your first bucket of gold!
Zachary Yerushalmi,
Principal at Oxford Sciences Innovation
Working with Ultromics, Arago, Genomics PLC,
and Circadian Therapeutics
Irene Bejenke Walsh,
Founder and managing director of MessageLab
Lecturer at Imperial Business School, London
18 years as Venture Coach (over 500 start-ups)
There will be a networking & drinks reception after the event.
The event is free as always. Spots are limited, so get registered today!
Additionally, right after the event we have the chance to have formal dinner with the two guest speakers at University College for further communications. 5 spots are available and the cost of the dinner itself is payable. Message Science Innovation Union on Facebook ASAP if you are interested!