Structural injustices, social connection, and corporate political responsibility: the case of business and human trafficking

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Human trafficking is one of the most lucrative international criminal activities and is widespread across a variety of industries. The outsourcing and sub-contracting model provides incentives throughout the global supply chain to sub-contract further to reduce the cost of labor, which has led to human trafficking remaining a pervasive problem. Business responsibility for human trafficking derives from the fact that business decisions and strategies enable the conditions that allow for human trafficking to occur within their supply chains. In this talk, Judith will discuss a social connection and political responsibility model to address human trafficking in corporate supply chains. The model, based on Iris Marion Young’s analysis of social connection and structural injustice, is holistic, forward-looking, and outcomes-oriented. She will differentiate between businesses with a strong connection to human trafficking and businesses with a weak connection, and within this distinction delineate different pathways that firms can take to meet their political responsibilities to address human trafficking. Meeting their political responsibilities, corporations will embrace an ethical commitment – a leadership-oriented stance on human trafficking where managers think about business models, practices, and strategies differently.