Oxford Imaging Symposium: Intravital Imaging in Biomedicine

Please register at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/oxford-imaging-symposium-tickets-153957668531

Oxford Imaging Symposium Schedule:

14.00-14.05: Welcome

14.05-14.35: Tri Phan (Garvan Institute, Australia)
‘It’s osteomorphin’ time! Intravital imaging of osteoclast formation, function and fate’

14.35-15.05: Anna-Katerina Hadjantonakis (Sloan Kettering Institute, USA)
‘Imaging cellular dynamics in mammalian embryos’

15.05-15.15: BREAK

15.15-15.45: Matteo Iannacone (San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Italy)
‘Immune surveillance of the liver by CD8+ T cells’

15.45-16.15: Leo Carlin (University of Glasgow, UK)
‘Investigating the innate immune response to cancer by imaging’

16.15-16.25: BREAK

16.25-16.55: Katerina Akassoglou (University of California San Francisco, USA)
‘Neurovascular interactions: mechanisms, imaging, therapeutics’

16.55-17.00: Closing remarks