Relational Dynamics of Liberation and Land in Sudan, Syria, and Palestine

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Liberation and land are closely interlinked. We invite you to join a seminar series talk with Dr Nisrin Elamin and Dr Ammar Azzouz who will speak about the dynamics of liberation and land, threading the experiences from Sudan, Syria, and Palestine.

Dr Nisrin Elamin will provide context for Sudan’s counterrevolutionary war and famine from a political economy perspective. The talk centres on struggles over land and the role civilian volunteers play at the front-line of mutual aid and relief efforts.
Dr Ammar Azzouz will speak about the acts of rebuilding which follow the long period of oppression and destruction of public spaces and homes in Syria. Analysing cities through the lens of war time urbicide, the talk will explore how people are reclaiming cities in the post-Assad era.

About the speakers:
Dr Nisrin Elamin is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology and African Studies at the University of Toronto. She is currently writing a book tentatively titled: Stratified Enclosures: Land, Capital and Empire-making in central Sudan which focuses on Saudi and Emirati land grabs and community resistance to land dispossession in the Gezira region of Sudan. Dr Ammar Azzouz is a Research Fellow at the School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford. His research focuses on the interaction between built environment and conflict, both in terms of how architecture is weaponised at times of war and how communities reconstruct their spaces following the destruction.