Computational Notebooks for Biomedical Research

Computational Notebooks for Biomedical Research – Michal Krassowski
2 December, 11am – noon, Microsoft Teams (a link to the session will be circulated a few days before the event)
To register, please click here:

Session Aim
Demonstrate the capabilities of the computational notebooks in application to biomedical research and best practices for the use of notebooks.
Session Content
This session will cover the following topics: Jupyter notebooks (Python and R), R (markdown) notebooks, reproducibility and repeatability, extensions in Jupyter ecosystem, notebooks widgets, regulatory musings.
Session Objectives
At the end of the session, participants will be able to: – decide which format of notebooks suits their needs best, – work with the notebooks in the chosen format, – create simple notebook widgets, – manage notebooks in a git repository and share their work online (Binder)