EDI - What’s in it for me? An organisational and personal perspective

On Fri 29th of April at midday we welcome Drs Saher Ahmed and David Adams, who will be giving a talk on EDI initiatives at the Wellcome Sanger Institute, “EDI – What’s in it for me? An organisational and personal perspective”.

The strategic EDI vision for Sanger is to foster an inclusive culture where everyone can thrive and diversity is celebrated. This encompasses working towards a diverse, representative workforce at all levels; staff, students and leaders taking personal ownership and responsibility of EDI and an inclusive working environment where we all celebrate, respect and value each other’s diversity.

In their joint talk, Saher Ahmed will discuss some of the actions we are taking to move towards a more equitable, just and inclusive environment, with a focus on the new Sanger Excellence Fellowship – a new three-year Fellowship aimed at people from Black heritage backgrounds. She will share details of improvements to the recruitment process and of mentorship schemes for this Fellowship that make it uniquely supportive. David Adams will give a personal perspective on his own EDI journey, as the Faculty Lead for the new Fellowship scheme, and as an advocate for cancer genetic studies in low/middle-income countries.