Session 4: What does interdisciplinarity look like in Agile Sprints? (online webinar)

Discover how interdisciplinarity is conceptualised in the Agile Initiative and how to manage it effectively in an Agile Sprint.

This is workshop is open to: Oxford University researchers planning to develop an Agile Sprint; Oxford University researchers working on other interdisciplinary research projects who wish to gain insights on rapid applied interdisciplinary research; previous Agile researchers wishing to review their experience of interdisciplinary research during their work on an Agile Sprint, to best describe it for future career opportunities.

You will gain insight on how to address the challenge of planning for and managing a rapid model of interdisciplinary research. By the end of this workshop, you will have gained knowledge of: What drives interdisciplinary research in Agile Sprints How to integrate diversity in terms of discipline, research design and research team membership relative to the Sprint’s research question, policy focus and communities affected by the policy issue How to ensure integration of disciplines from the outset by creating a shared understanding of the problem definition, a common language, and interdisciplinary culture within a Sprint team How to manage interdisciplinarity as an ongoing practice to avoid siloed work packages and overreliance on one discipline for integrated final outputs.

“Interdisciplinary research can be rewarding, exciting and challenging in equal (and sometimes unequal!) measure. This session aims to facilitate a discussion about what makes interdisciplinary research plain sailing and how to avoid capsize when things get difficult.”
-Dr Mark Hirons

Book your place on the workshop using the links provided. If you need to cancel your place, please do so no later than 48 hours before the workshop. By booking on this workshop, you have agreed to the externally facing use of the recording. Book another session, by viewing the series event page.

Participation: Please note you will be expected to actively participate, which includes joining discussion, listening, asking questions, and contributing to activities.