Why we need as much empathy for ourselves as we do for our dogs during the COVID-era and beyond

Musings about self-empathy, ethical restrictions on movement, and avoiding nocebo effects

In the final session of our webinar series, we will look at ways in which the lockdown measures may have restricted our ability to be empathic to ourselves. Our speaker, Dr. Howick, the Oxford Empathy Programme, will briefly review the evidence that empathic care improves health, and how this applies to self-empathy. He will then review the barriers to (self) empathy presented by the lockdown, including especially restrictions on movement. He will argue that these are unethical, not least of which because they cause rampant ‘nocebo’ effects. Towards the end of his talk, he will address solutions for individuals and policymakers.

As always, we are welcoming attendance and input from across the academic disciplines, and others!

David Lyreskog, NEUROSEC, Dept. of Psychiatry, University of Oxford, and the Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities

Topic: Webinar: ‘The Ethics of Exercise During the Covid-19 pandemic – UK perspectives’
Time: 3.00 – 3.45, Thursday June 4
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