*Registration closes Friday 23rd November at midday.*

No experience in coding? Interested in queer identities and social media?
To encourage new ways of thinking about and engaging with queerness and queer identities, Oxford Queer Studies Network’s Hackathon will encourage creative engagement with the textual data gathered from the hashtag #Queer on Twitter. The event aims to give an introductory knowledge to python programming as well as bringing together people with different disciplinary backgrounds to analyse, process and display the data in imaginative ways, and discuss the meanings behind it.

The day will begin at 9:30am with an introduction to the project by the coordinators of the event, and an outline of the dataset. There will be a short speed-networking session to build teams around shared ideas. From 11:00am Siân Brooke (Oxford Internet Institute) will run an introductory workshop into python Programming for absolute beginners using Anaconda/Jupyter Notebooks (please bring your own laptops). Instructions on setting up the necessary software for this workshop will be sent out in advance, and if you have any difficulties, please come to the event early so that we can assist you. Over lunch, teams will assemble to look over the data, think of ways to analyse the tweets and perhaps request additional input or resources. At the end of the day (4:00pm), teams will pitch their projects to the group and a prize will be awarded to the best project. At the end of the day, we’ll head to the pub to chat and discuss ideas.

Attendance cost: £5 (if you would like to attend but do not have the financial means, please do contact the Queer Studies Network team). Registration is mandatory. Cost includes lunch, snacks and drinks during the day.