Genome Engineering Oxford Forum

Please register by 20 May 2022 in order to be added to the attendee list and receive the Zoom invite for the meeting as well as the full abstract book closer to the date.

We would like to formally invite you to the annual Genome Engineering Oxford Forum which will be held on Zoom on 25 May 2022 from 1 – 5 pm BST. We have an incredibly exciting and bursting line-up of speakers across three important areas of focus with the aim of the meeting being to showcase the range of genome engineering research happening in Oxford and facilitate collaboration across the University. That said, we will also have the honour of hearing from two International speakers which include Dr Daniel Gao from the Broad Institute in Boston as well as Assoc Prof Steve Shih from Concordia University in Montréal. IDT has kindly agreed to sponsor the conference and, in addition to updating us on some of their latest advancements in CRISPR HDR editing, will also be giving away some great prizes (so that alone is worth attending for)!