Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender History Event

An afternoon of presentations and discussion with scholars working on Lesbian Gay,Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Histories as part of LGBT History Month. Sponsored by the Centre for Gender, Identity and Subjectivity and the VC’s Diversity Fund.

2.00-2.50pm: Historically Queer
(Rees Davies Room) Queer History / Queer Memory: The Case of Alan Turing
Laura Doan (Professor of Cultural History and Sexuality Studies, University of Manchester) The “First Gay Kiss”?: Ancient Egypt and LGBT History
Richard Parkinson (Professor of Egyptology, The Queen’s College, Oxford)

3.00-3.50pm: Reading Pasts Queerly
Rees Davies Room
The Danish Girl in China
Howard Chiang (Assistant Professor of Modern Chinese History, University of Warwick)
The Law of ‘Consummation’ and Sex-neutral Marriage
Leslie Green (Professor of the Philosophy of Law, Balliol College, Oxford)

3.45-4.30pm: Reception
Joan Thirsk Common Room

4.30pm-6.30pm: Keynote lecture followed by Q&A
Lecture Theatre
Freak Wedding! A Long History of Homonormativity
Elise Chenier (Professor of History, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver;Director, Archive of Lesbian Oral Testimony)