Drawdown - A Pathway for Reversing Global Warming

Can we stop global warming in the next 30 years? According to renowned environmentalist and author Paul Hawken and the team at Project Drawdown, the answer is yes. We can keep the temperature of the Earth from rising past the critical mark of two degrees Celsius and actually draw down carbon out of the atmosphere to reverse the warming by 2050.

Project Drawdown has identified 100 substantive solutions that taken together could realistically keep us from catastrophe, and, at the same time, create the world we all want to live in. Led by Chad Frischmann, the team of over 70 researchers carefully measured the 80 solutions that are already up and running and modelled how they might be scaled up and carried out over the next 30 years. They also evaluated the possibilities of the 20 solutions that are ‘coming attractions’ and could soon be utilised – such as, autonomous vehicles, hyperloop, and the artificial leaf. They then ranked all 100 solutions to see which ones make the biggest impact and should be prioritised by investors, city planners, business leaders, educators, and NGOs. You will soon be able to see them all laid out in Paul Hawken’s latest book, Drawdown, a beautiful book filled with stunning photographs, as well as play with all the data and models on a new website at drawdown.org.