About the speaker:
After his degree in political science/political theory from Sciences Po Paris, Émilien Fargues is now preparing a PhD in political theory at the Doctoral School of Sciences Po. His PhD research is supervised by Dr Janie Pélabay and Dr Réjane Sénac (Centre de recherches politiques, CEVIPOF) and focuses on a comparative investigation of the naturalisation policies in France and in the United Kingdom. Methodologically, Émilien’s PhD draws on observations and semi-direct interviews with officials and judicial actors involved in naturalisation policies. Through an analysis of the exclusions from naturalisation, his project aims at interrogating the economic, political, moral and even cultural ‘thickness’ of national membership on both sides of the Channel.
Émilien Fargues spent the first term of the academic year 2016/2017 at the London School of Economics (LSE) to start his fieldwork in the UK and is now a visiting OxPo PhD student at the Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR) at the University of Oxford.
His research notably includes a comparison between the British and the French citizenship deprivation regimes on national security grounds, an analysis of the definition and use of the notion of ‘adhesion to the principles and values of the French Republic’ in French naturalisation policies, and a comparative study on the economic selection of applicants in the two countries.