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Dr Ricardo Nogales
Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative
Events this person is speaking at:
Monday 16 July 2018
Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative - Summer School 2018
A demonstrable knowledge of Stata is an essential pre-requisite for attending the course. Every attendant to the Summer School will need to have Stata 10 or higher installed on their laptop. The software will not be provided by the Summer School.
Professor Sabina Alkire
(University of Oxford)
Dr Usha Kanagaratnam
(Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative)
Dr Bilal Malaeb
(Institute of Global Affairs, London School of Economics and Political Science)
Dr Christian Oldiges
(Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative)
Dr Ana Vaz
(University of Oxford)
Dr Nicolai Suppa
(Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative)
Dr Ricardo Nogales
(Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative)
Monday 25 February 2019
In quest of a better life: international labour migration and poverty in rural Bangladesh
A sandwich lunch is available on a first come, first served basis.
: This talk is in preparation - details may change
Dr Ricardo Nogales
(Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative)
Dr Christian Oldiges
(Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative)
Archive: Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative (OPHI) Lunchtime Seminar Series
Friday 18 October 2019
The first revision of the global MPI: Empirical insights and robustness
Dr Ricardo Nogales
(Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative)
OPHI Weekly Seminars: Multidimensional Poverty
Tuesday 25 February 2020
Conflict and Wellbeing Deprivation in sub-Saharan Africa
Dr Ricardo Nogales
(Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative)
Dr Christian Oldiges
(Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative)
Strategy, Statecraft, and Technology (Changing Character of War) Centre Seminar Series
Monday 24 October 2022
The many forms of poverty: Analyses of deprivation interlinkages in the developing world
Light refreshments will be served to in-person attendees.
Dr Ricardo Nogales
(Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative)
Dr Nicolai Suppa
(Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative)
OPHI Weekly Seminars: Multidimensional Poverty
Monday 8 July 2024
Impact of Social Protection Programmes on Multidimensional Poverty: New Targeting Approaches and Application to Morocco
Dr Ricardo Nogales
(Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative)
Touhami Abdelkhalek
(Mohammed VI Polytechnic University)
Dorothee Boccanfuso
(Mohammed VI Polytechnic University)
Tuesday 5 November 2024
Moderate Poverty Measurement in Middle Income Countries
Dr Monica Pinilla-Roncancio
(Research Associate Universidad de los Andes; Researcher OPHI)
Miss Fanni Kovesdi
(Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative)
Dr Hector Moreno
(Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative)
Dr Ricardo Nogales
(Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative)
Adriana Conconi
OPHI Weekly Seminars: Multidimensional Poverty
Events this person is organising:
Friday 16 October 2020
A journey of acute poverty: the global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)
Professor Sabina Alikre
(Director of the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative)
Dr Usha Kanagaratnam
(Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative)
OPHI Weekly Seminars: Multidimensional Poverty
Friday 23 October 2020
Measuring human recognition for women in Malawi using the Alkire-Foster method of multidimensional poverty counting
Dr Ebelechukwu Maduekwe
(Technical University of Munich)
OPHI Weekly Seminars: Multidimensional Poverty
Friday 30 October 2020
Catastrophic payments and multidimensional poverty: A longitudinal analysis
Dr Mónica Pinilla-Roncancio
(Universidad de Los Andes and OPHI)
Dr Paul Rodriguez
(Universidad del Rosario)
OPHI Weekly Seminars: Multidimensional Poverty
Friday 6 November 2020
Construction of an internationally comparable Child Multidimensional Poverty Index
Mr Richard Freund
(Young Lives)
OPHI Weekly Seminars: Multidimensional Poverty
Friday 13 November 2020
Poor households or poor individuals? The issue of the unit of identification when designing an MPI
Dr María Emma Santos
(Universidad Nacional del Sur, CONICET and OPHI)
OPHI Weekly Seminars: Multidimensional Poverty
Friday 20 November 2020
Measuring rural poverty with a multidimensional approach: conceptual framework and empirical results
Dr Frank Vollmer
(Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative)
Dr Piero Conforti
Dr. José A. Rosero Moncayo
(Director of the Statistics Division in the Economic and Social Development Department, FAO)
OPHI Weekly Seminars: Multidimensional Poverty
Friday 27 November 2020
Endogenous weights and multidimensional poverty: A cautionary tale
Dr Gaston Yalonetzky
(University of Leeds)
OPHI Weekly Seminars: Multidimensional Poverty
Friday 4 December 2020
A bird’s eye view of well-being: Exploring a multidimensional measure for the UK
Professor Sabina Alikre
(Director of the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative)
Miss Fanni Kovesdi
(Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative)
OPHI Weekly Seminars: Multidimensional Poverty