Oxford Talks
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Professor Sandra Eldridge
Queen Mary University of London
Events this person is speaking at:
Thursday 23 July 2015
The perils and pleasures of cluster randomised trials
This is a free seminar but please reserve your place by emailing octrutrialshub@ndorms.ox.ac.uk
Professor Sandra Eldridge
(Queen Mary University of London)
EQUATOR/OCTRU Seminar Series
Monday 13 June 2022
Online NIHR Oxford BRC Virtual Symposium : 'Levelling Up: Evidence based approaches to reducing inequalities in health and access to care'
Professor Richard Cookson
(University of York)
Professor Sandra Eldridge
(Queen Mary University of London)
Professor Philip Clarke
(University of Oxford)
Laurence Roope, Researcher
(Health Economics Research Centre, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford)
Prof. Helen McShane
Fiorella Parra Mujica
(University of Oxford)