Oxford Talks
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Professor Trevor Sharp
Department of Pharmacology
Events this person is hosting:
Tuesday 7 June 2016
mGluR5 receptors: a promising target for CNS drug discovery?
Dr Gary Gilmour
(In-Vivo Pharmacology, Lilly UK)
Pharmacology, Anatomical Neuropharmacology and Drug Discovery Seminars
Tuesday 9 October 2018
Overlapping mechanisms of sleep, sedation and thermoregulation
Professor Nick Franks
(Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College London)
Pharmacology, Anatomical Neuropharmacology and Drug Discovery Seminars
Tuesday 24 November 2020
Evaluation of endogenous neurotransmitter release in the human brain using PET
E-mail carolyn.thackrah@pharm.ox.ac.uk for joining instructions
Dr Ilan Rabiner
(EVP Head of Translational Imaging, Invicro)
Pharmacology, Anatomical Neuropharmacology and Drug Discovery Seminars
Tuesday 16 November 2021
Regulation of the striatal network by acetylcholine/glutamate cotransmission: linking together compulsion, addiction and eating disorders
NOTE SEMINAR WILL BE AT 1PM. E-mail carolyn.thackrah@pharm.ox.ac.uk for joning instructions
Professor Salah El Mestikawy
(Douglas Research Centre, McGill University)
Pharmacology, Anatomical Neuropharmacology and Drug Discovery Seminars
Tuesday 31 January 2023
Opioid pharmacology: from molecule to coffin
Join us in person or via Teams - e-mail carolyn.thackrah@pharm.ox.ac.uk
Professor Graeme Henderson
(School of Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience, University of Bristol)
Pharmacology, Anatomical Neuropharmacology and Drug Discovery Seminars
Tuesday 2 May 2023
Following the cues - how do sound and light cues impact risky decision making?
Join us in person or via Teams - e-mail carolyn.thackrah@pharm.ox.ac.uk for joining instructions
Professor Catharine Winstanley
(The University of British Columbia)
Pharmacology, Anatomical Neuropharmacology and Drug Discovery Seminars