Oxford Talks
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Dr Lisa Wedding
University of Oxford
Events this person is speaking at:
Saturday 6 November 2021
Blue Carbon Habitats in Nature and Art: coastal ecosystems for a healthy planet | Part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science
Dr Lisa Wedding
(University of Oxford)
Events this person is hosting:
Wednesday 18 November 2020
Creating a marine protected area for the Western Antarctic Peninsula
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/75897475732?pwd=WVA5VDFwdEhraW5CWG1uS1NzdU1EZz09 Meeting ID: 758 9747 5732 || Passcode: 285840
Dr Alan Friedlander
(Pristine Seas, National Geographic Society; Hawaiʿi Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaiʿi)
Oxford University Polar Forum MT2020 Online Seminar Series
Friday 2 June 2023
Learning from some of the world's most remote coral reefs
Gareth Williams
(Bangor University)