Oxford Talks
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Rolando de la Guardia
The Latin American Centre
Events this person is speaking at:
Thursday 25 May 2017
Narratives of Suffering and the Creation of National Identities in Panama (1878-1936)
Rolando de la Guardia
(The Latin American Centre)
Latin American Centre Seminars and Events
Wednesday 15 November 2017
The Global Thinkers of the International Discussion Series: Jeptha Duncan and Narciso Garay
Rolando de la Guardia
(The Latin American Centre)
The Global Thinkers Project, Oxford: Reviving silenced internationalist voices in International Relations
Friday 27 April 2018
PANEL DISCUSSION + BOOK LAUNCH: Paul Edwards, Rolando de Guardia Wald on Arturo Soto's 'In The Heat'
Paul Edwards
(Université Paris Diderot - MFO)
Rolando de la Guardia
(The Latin American Centre)
Arturo Soto
(Ruskin School of Art)