Oxford Talks
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Dmitri Levitin
All Souls College, Oxford
Events this person is speaking at:
Monday 16 January 2017
What was the comparative history of religion in seventeenth-century Europe? And why did Pierre Bayle believe in virtuous atheists?
Dmitri Levitin
(All Souls College, Oxford)
Early Modern Intellectual History
Tuesday 16 February 2021
“No Other Issue in the History of Ideas has ever been Subjected to the Same Degree of Scrutiny”. The Origins of the Synoptic Problem, from Palestine to Göttingen (via India)
Please register by 12-noon on 15 February; you need only register once – subsequently, you will receive invitations to all the other sessions. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Dmitri Levitin
(All Souls College, Oxford)
Early Modern Intellectual History
Events this person is organising:
Monday 22 November 2021
Fords meet Carlyles: Ireland, Locke, and Empire: a discussion with Jane Ohlmeyer and Mark Goldie
Professor Jane Ohlmeyer
(Trinity College Dublin)
Professor Mark Goldie
(Churchill College, Cambridge)