Oxford Talks
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Sir Dermot Turing
Kellogg College
Events this person is speaking at:
Wednesday 6 February 2019
Sir Dermot Turing: “The Origins of Enigma Codebreaking at Bletchley Park” talk and book signing
Refreshments will be served from 17:00, the talk will begin at 17:30 and finish at 18:15, with a further 30 minutes for the book signing. This event may be photographed and/or filmed. If you do not want to appear in any photographs or footage, please inform the photographer/videographer on the day. If you require further information, please email communications@kellogg.ox.a.c.uk
Sir Dermot Turing
(Kellogg College)
Bletchley Park Week
Thursday 12 March 2020
Bletchley Park: Fact and Fiction, a panel discussion
Various Speakers
Bletchley Park Week
Thursday 27 February 2025
Bletchley Park Week: The Truth Behind the Myths: Women and Bletchley Park
Dr Sarah-Louise Miller
(Visiting Scholar in the Faculty of History)
Sir Dermot Turing
(Kellogg College)
Dr David Kenyon
(Bletchley Park Trust)
Michael Smith
(Princeton University)