Oxford Talks
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Neil Jefferies
Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
Events this person is speaking at:
Friday 29 January 2016
Framing Digital Objects within Context and Provenance
If you have a University or Bodleian Reader’s card, you can get to the Centre for Digital Scholarship through the Mackerras Reading Room on the first floor of the Weston Library, around the gallery. If you do not have access to the Weston Library you are more than welcome to attend the talk: please contact the organizer.
Neil Jefferies
(Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford)
Research Uncovered: public talks on digital scholarship
Thursday 6 March 2025
Open Scholarship: ORCIDs from scratch
Neil Jefferies
(Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford)
Open Scholarship
Events this person is hosting:
Tuesday 7 March 2023
OxFOS - ORCID and PID’s From Scratch
Intended audience: Researchers and postgraduate (Internal, University of Oxford-affiliated researchers and students) who do not yet have an ORCID linked to their Oxford SSO.
Neil Jeffries
(Open Scholarship Support, Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford)
2023 - Oxford Festival of Open Scholarship
Events this person is organising:
Thursday 9 March 2023
Digital Preservation for Scholarly Communications
Neil Jefferies
(Open Scholarship Support, Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford)
2023 - Oxford Festival of Open Scholarship