Oxford Talks
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Language and Development Seminar Series
: Seminar Series
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Organising department
Department of Experimental Psychology
Tuesday 9 June 2020
The Social Life of Voices: Studying the perception and production of vocal identity and traits
If you would like to attend the meeting, please contact Zoe Woodhead at zoe.woodhead@psy.ox.ac.uk for the link.
Professor Carolyn McGettigan
(University College, London)
Monday 24 January 2022
Seeking new words: Active word learning in infants and children
This event will be held online.
Martin Zettersten
(Princeton University)
Monday 7 February 2022
Causes and Consequences of Inequalities in Children’s Executive Functions
This event will be held online. Talk links will be sent to the EP Seminars list a week before the talk. Contact Emma James (emma.james@psy.ox.ac.uk) if you are not on the list and would like to join the seminar.
: This talk has been cancelled
Emma Blakey
(University of Sheffield)
Monday 21 February 2022
Clarifying the Brain Networks that Support Word Learning and Processing
This event will be held online. Talk links will be sent to the EP Seminars list a week before the talk. Contact Emma James (emma.james@psy.ox.ac.uk) if you are not on the list and would like to join the seminar.
Jeffrey Malins
(Georgia State University)
Nikki Arrington
Monday 7 March 2022
Words for wellbeing: emotional skills and mental health outcomes in children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
We hope to run this event in a hybrid format depending on COVID restrictions. Talk links will be sent to the EP Seminars list a week before the talk. Contact Emma James (emma.james@psy.ox.ac.uk) if you are not on the list and would like to join the seminar.
Dr Sarah Griffiths
Monday 9 May 2022
Understanding the foundations of writing: Delineating spelling and handwriting skills in children
This talk will take place in person in New Radcliffe House 20.05 Seminar Room 2, with an online option available. A remote access link will be circulated via the departmental epseminars mailing list during the week before the talk for those unable to attend in person. External guests are welcome, and can email emma.james@psy.ox.ac.uk for the link.
Cameron Downing
(Leeds Trinity University)
Wednesday 18 May 2022
Pervasive versus Situational ADHD: Mechanisms, impairment, and long-term outcomes
This talk will take place in person in Seminar Room 2, New Radcliffe House, with an online option available. Registration is not required to attend in person, or to attend online if you are on the ep-seminars mailing list. If you'd like to attend online and are not on the ep-seminars mailing list, please email emma.james@psy.ox.ac.uk for the link.
Matilda Frick
(Uppsala Universitet)
Monday 13 June 2022
Children’s knowledge of polysemous words: individual, psycholinguistic, and educational factors
This event is online only. A link will be circulated via the departmental epseminars mailing list during the week before the talk. External guests are welcome and should email emma.james@psy.ox.ac.uk for the link.
Sophie Booton
(University of Oxford)
This series features in the following public collections
Oxford Neuroscience Seminar List