Faith to Faith: Muslim and Christian Thought in the Modern Middle East and South Asia

The modern history of the Middle East and South Asia has been shaped to a considerable extent by the religious and philosophical ideas of Muslim and Christian thinkers. This series, which builds on our two earlier series of lectures on religion and society in Christianity and Islam at All Souls, will look at how leading Muslim and Christian thinkers of various denominations have responded to the challenges of modernity, and how they have thought about questions such as the relationship between religion and politics, the encounter with the religious other, and the position of women in society.

As with the last series, each lecture in the series will be followed by a response and discussion. All are welcome to apply for attendance in person or online.

All talks begin at 5pm and, for those attending in person, will take place in the Hovenden Room, All Souls College, OX1 4AL (enter via the Lodge) . Registrations close at 12 noon on the day of the lecture.

Thursday 20 October 2022

Thursday 24 November 2022

Thursday 1 December 2022

Thursday 26 January 2023

Thursday 2 February 2023

Thursday 9 February 2023

Thursday 27 April 2023

Thursday 4 May 2023

Thursday 11 May 2023

This series features in the following public collections: