Can We Measure Stories?

Understanding and Visualising Migration Narratives

Narrative ‘is present at all times, in all places, in all societies; indeed narrative starts with the very history of mankind; there is not, there has never been anywhere, any people without narrative’ (Barthes, 1975). People make sense of the world through stories, combining narrative threads into more or less coherent depictions of reality, and storytelling about migration is evident from prehistoric artefacts found in ancient sources ranging from petroglyphs to bible stories. This seminar series examines how narrative – whether news, fiction, political speeches, social media posts or other forms – shapes how we think about migration and considers what we can do to measure, visualise, and help societies assess and respond to migration narratives in public debate.

Attendance is free, and all are welcome.

This is a hybrid seminar series.

Join us in person at Kellogg College; please arrive promptly to secure a seat.
Address: 60-62 Banbury Rd, Park Town, Oxford OX2 6PN
To attend in person, you must register in advance:

Join us online via Zoom. Click here to register:

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