Mitophagy, from genetics to biology, and back (rescheduled date)

Professor Plun-Favreau’s primary field of interest is mitochondrial dysfunction in disease. Following a PhD in France in signal transduction, she undertook postdoctoral training at Cancer Research UK, London Research Institute. The discoveries and work she undertook in the mitochondria and cancer area led her towards neurodegeneration and she successfully applied for an MRC Career Development Fellowship to work at the UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology. In 2013, she accepted a Senior Lecturer position at the UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology and was appointed as Professor in 2019. Her laboratory has carried out significant work on the molecular pathways associated with mitophagy and other mitochondrial dysfunctions in neurodegenerative conditions. The approaches they undertake require live cell microscopy and complex molecular and cellular biology, and provide a more complete picture of the pathways that play a role in the pathogenesis of neurodegeneration. Working with academics, clinicians and industry at the interface of basic and applied research, her ultimate aim is to help guide the development of clinically relevant therapeutic strategies for neurodegeneration.