Narrative CVs for Funding Applications

Narrative CVs are being adopted by many funders, nationally and internationally, to give researchers the opportunity to showcase a wider range of skills and experience than is possible in a traditional academic CV; an example is the UKRI Résumé for Research and Innovation (R4RI).
Writing a narrative CV requires a different way of thinking about and describing your skills, experience and contributions to research and innovation compared to a traditional CV. Writing your first narrative CV will take some time and effort; you might not be sure about what activities to include, and how to describe their quality, relevance, and your involvement in them.

This presentation will try to demystify and simplify narrative CVs by providing advice, prompts and suggestions for how to write one.

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Mary Muers (Research Culture Facilitator, Medical Sciences Division)
Tanita Casci (Director, Research Strategy & Policy Unit, Research Services)
Kanza Basit (Senior Research Facilitator, Social Sciences Division)
Susan Black (Careers Adviser for Researchers, Careers Service)
Gavin Bird (Research Facilitator, Earth Sciences)