Herbal History Research Network Online Seminar - Evolving Traditions: Influences on Western Herbal Practice

This event will be live-streamed and the recording available to view for 3 months.

Reliable sources on the history of herbal medicine can be hard to find and HHRN aims to connect people who share common interests in researching the history of herbal medicine. Thank you for all your support over the last fifteen years and as a voluntary group, all ticket sales and donations are used to fund our website, study groups, student travel bursaries and research events.

The Herbal History Research Network (HHRN) is celebrating the anniversary with this online seminar.

We will send you a pdf of the speakers’ abstracts & bios when you register.


14:30 Julia Nurse (HHRN Chair & Research Development Lead, Wellcome Collection) HHRN 15th Anniversary and welcome (10 min)
14:40 Professor Mark Nesbitt (Royal Botanic Gardens) Materia Medica as Material Culture (20 min)
15:00 Professor Elisabeth Hsu (University of Oxford) Qinghao, the Glistening Green Herb (Artemisia annua L.) 2nd to the 20th century (20 min)
15:20 Simon Mills (Medical Herbalist & Author) ESCOP: 35 Years of Herbal Cooperation across Europe (20 min)
15:40 Q&A (20 min)
16:00 Drs Debora Moretti and Peter Jones (University of Hertfordshire & Nottingham Trent) Cunning Folk and “Herbalists” in the Nineteenth-Century Medical Marketplace (30 min)
16:30 John Hunnex (National History Museum) Collections at the Natural History Museum (20 min)
16:50 Q&A and concluding remarks (25 min)
17:15 Close

For more details about the group, please visit the website: www.herbalhistory.org/home