Exclusion from school: who benefits?

In this talk I will ask questions about why so many young people are excluded from school in England.

Although we raise our hands in horror about recent exclusion figures it is perhaps worth remembering that in 1997/8 12300 permanent exclusions took place in England. The practice has a long history and it is worth asking why it persists:
Does it benefit young people who are excluded?
Does it make mainstream schools better places for the young people who are left behind?

In attempting to answer these questions I will draw on insights developed during the Excluded Lives project as well as other considerations of the processes and outcomes of marginalisation of young people from the prospects of gaining a meaningful education.

Professor Harry Daniels is a Governing Body Fellow of Green Templeton College and Chair of the Risk and Scrutiny Committee. He is Professor of Education, Department of Education, University of Oxford. Harry has a particular interest in the development of non directive data gathering techniques. Harry is currently undertaking funded research on: Exclusion from School; Mental Health in Schools; The Design and Construction of School Buildings; and Young Peoples’ feelings of safety, security, belonging and respect in schools.

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