Historical recovery & community-grounded praxis

Abstract: As a community-grounded researcher in Coventry, my teaching and pedagogy is centred around the needs of the community. But what does this look like when you straddle UKHE and a disenfranchised and historically oppressed group? This session will introduce community grounded praxis, what this looks like for me, and how this can help inform your method.
Bio: Holly Cooper (they/them) is a historian, researcher, and activist. They are a third year DPhil student in History, researching 20th century Black Caribbean community histories of Coventry and Warwickshire. They favour Black radical methodologies in their work, and work to uncover marginalised histories outside of the metropole.

Holly coordinates the interdisciplinary programme, “Race and Resistance” based at TORCH, working with Programme Lead, Dr. Chantelle Jessica Lewis. They are also an experienced researcher, currently working on the Oxford/UCL joint project, “A Portrait of Empire, Migration, and Belonging in English Secondary schools”, funded by the PEARS Foundation. They have also worked with the AHRC, Goldsmiths, University of London, and King’s College London.

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