Expert in Residence - Dr Andy Pearce, GSK - Available for Meetings Today

Please email if you would like to arrange a meeting with Andy. Please include a brief description (max 300 words) about what you would like to discuss with him.

Andy has experience of programs of all major target classes, of localised and oral drug delivery and both small molecule and biopharmaceutical modalities. With over 18 years of experience in target and drug discovery in academia and Pharma companies spanning target identification to early clinical development Andy is well placed to provide advice and guidance on translational research, target validation, assay development, lead optimisation and early preclinical and clinical development.

Andy can advise on:

- Drug discovery spanning target identification and validation through to early clinical development. – Routes to progress drug discovery and translational projects. – Career development for early career researchers.

Andy will sit in the Target Discovery Institute (TDI), Nuffield Department of Medicine, NDM Research Building on various dates during 2020.