New Therapeutic Approaches in Translational Mental Health

The conference is open to career researchers (PI and Postdoctoral fellows) and related professionals from industry and government.

Conference theme: Industry meets Academia – New collaborations and Partnerships

Key focus areas: Experimental Medicine for drug development, Non-drug-based interventions and technology, Data & Omics and Clinical trials

This in-person conference is organised by the Oxford Health BRC and sponsored by the UK Mental Health Mission. The event aims to bring together industry, academic & clinical researchers, the regulator and government research funding organisations to discuss the current challenges facing therapeutic development. The overall objective is to forge collaborations that can increase capacity and capability through partnerships to deliver paradigm changes in translational mental health research. The event includes keynotes, lightning talks, roundtable discussion and industry led workshop sessions by Angelini Pharma, Big Health, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol Myers Squibb and Reckitt Benckiser.