Career Paths in International Development: UN Civil Service


The Oxford University United Nations Association (OXUNA) and the Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR) offer an opportunity to hear from members of the British Association of Former UN Civil Servants (BAFUNCS) about their experiences and the prospects for careers with the United Nations.

Stephen Rudgard is with the Food and Agriculture Organisation as their Senior Expert in UN Collaboration. He plans and supports coordination meetings between the Senior Management of three UN organizations involved with agriculture and food.

Sam Daws was formerly a First Officer for then-Secretary General Kofi Annan. Sam is now a Research Associate of DPIR and Policy Lead for the UNAI Hub on Peace and Conflict Resolution. He is also co-editor of The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations.

Melanie Hutchinson was formerly a Regional Development Coordination Officer for the UN Environment Programme for almost 20 years. She now works as a Scientific Advisor for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), building partnerships with agencies in other countries.