Medical Statistics Drop In Session with Lei Clifton, Lead Statistician, Translational Epidemiology Unit (TEU), Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford.
Day: Wednesday
Date: 16 October 2024
Time: 11am-12pm
Venue: BDI conference room (lower ground, near the cafe)
Register :
Do you have a burning medical statistics-related question that you would like to discuss with the wider Oxford Biomedical community? Submit your question in advance and come along to the drop in session, where your question will get answered by Lei Clifton.
If you’re interested in being part of the conversation but don’t have a specific question, feel free to attend the session in person and follow along. This is an excellent opportunity to engage in knowledge exchange with your peers.
The session will be informal and conversational, and participants will be encouraged to share their views on medical statistics. While there will be no presentation or statistical analysis, general advice on study design and statistical methods will be provided. The focus will be on discussing general statistical approaches, and the session is not intended for in-depth exploration of specified topics. Instead, statistical thinking will be applied to specific questions through spontaneous discussions with participants.
This is an in-person event only.