Islam in a Changing World: Reform and the Battle of Narratives

Ed Husain is the author of two bestselling books The House of Islam: A Global History (Bloomsbury, 2018) and The Islamist (Penguin, 2007). He writes and speaks extensively on national security, the geopolitics of the Middle East, identity, modernity and challenges faced by Muslims. In 2019, he was listed as one of London’s most influential figures in ‘The Progress 1000’ list by the Evening Standard for his role in countering Islamist extremism and advocating for a pluralist Islam. Under the supervision of Britain’s leading philosopher, Sir Roger Scruton, Husain’s PhD studies focus on political philosophy, the Enlightenment, and the search for an open, modern Islam.

Husain advises political leaders and governments around the world on national security and political ideology. A co-founder of Quilliam, Britain’s first counter-extremism think tank, Husain was also a senior advisor to Prime Minister Tony Blair. He is currently a senior fellow at Civitas: Institute for the Study of Civil Society in London and a global fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Centre for Scholars in Washington DC. For five years, he was a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in New York. Husain has appeared on CNN, Fox News, BBC and written for the New York Times, The Guardian, The Telegraph, The Spectator, and others. He lives in London.