Following its launch in Michaelmas, the Sheldonian Series continues this term on Tuesday 11 February on the topic of ‘Life’. Join the Vice-Chancellor to hear from presenters exploring the planetary, technological and ethical dimensions of ‘Life’.
Speakers: Professor Sir Nigel Shadbolt FRS FREng, Principal of Jesus College and Professorial Research Fellow in Computing Science, University of Oxford; Professor Jayne Birkby, Associate Professor of Exoplanetary Science, University of Oxford; Rev Canon Professor Luke Bretherton, Regius Professor of Moral & Pastoral Theology, University of Oxford.
The Sheldonian Series is a termly event convened by the Vice-Chancellor aimed to promote discussions about the big issues of the day, informed by our commitment to free and inclusive speech, diversity of thought and the vibrant exchange of ideas. This event is open to all students and staff, and will feature scholars and voices from a range of fields and viewpoints.
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