Oxford Talks
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Mr Joshua Bull
University of Oxford
Events this person is speaking at:
Tuesday 6 November 2018
Oxford Digital Pathology Academic Day
If you would like to attend please email; Monica Dolton on monica.dolton@nds.ox.ac.uk to register. Attendance is free.
Various Speakers
Tuesday 8 September 2020
Joshua Bull - Can maths tell us how to win at Fantasy Football?
Online lecture only. No need to register.
Mr Joshua Bull
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures
Wednesday 20 July 2022
WHG Lunchtime Lab Talks: Leedham & Lindgren
To log in via Teams please put yourself on mute and use the following link:https://teams.microsoft.com/dl/launcher/launcher.html?url=%2F_%23%2Fl%2Fmeetup-join%2F19%3Ameeting_ZTAxY2ZiNGYtZTNlZC00ZWFlLTgxY2YtYjg5NzVlNWVjODdi%40thread.v2%2F0%3Fcontext%3D%257b%2522Tid%2522%253a%2522cc95de1b-97f5-4f93-b4ba-fe68b852cf91%2522%252c%2522Oid%2522%253a%2522faee8eaf-f9bf-478e-9151-5bbfc3b39a0f%2522%257d%26anon%3Dtrue&type=meetup-join&deeplinkId=fa42965d-e3ad-465e-8508-76e964c79d7f&directDl=true&msLaunch=true&enableMobilePage=true&suppressPrompt=true
Professor Cecilia Lindgren
(Professor of Genomic Endocrinology & Metabolism, Nuffield Department of Medicine)
Samvida Venkatesh
(University of Oxford)
Duncan Palmer
(University of Oxford)
Mr Joshua Bull
(University of Oxford)
Stephen Taylor
(Head of Computational Biology Research Group, WIMM)
Dr Eoghan Mulholland
(University of Oxford)
CHG Lunchtime Lab Talks