Oxford Talks
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Stephen Taylor
Head of Computational Biology Research Group, WIMM
Events this person is speaking at:
Friday 15 April 2016
Rewards and challenges in career as a core facility manager
Stephen Taylor
(Head of Computational Biology Research Group, WIMM)
Christoffer Lagerholm
(Manager of Wolfson Imaging Facility, WIMM)
WIMM Science Career Seminars
Wednesday 20 July 2022
WHG Lunchtime Lab Talks: Leedham & Lindgren
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Professor Cecilia Lindgren
(Professor of Genomic Endocrinology & Metabolism, Nuffield Department of Medicine)
Samvida Venkatesh
(University of Oxford)
Duncan Palmer
(University of Oxford)
Mr Joshua Bull
(University of Oxford)
Stephen Taylor
(Head of Computational Biology Research Group, WIMM)
Dr Eoghan Mulholland
(University of Oxford)
CHG Lunchtime Lab Talks