NOTCOM Research Hub (The Common Notion: Science and Consensus in the Seventeenth Century)

NOTCOM is a philosophical study of common notions, collective inquiry, and dissemination strategies in seventeenth-century natural science, with special focus on the role of so-called “common notions”. Using a ground-breaking transversal methodology, it studies:

  • epistemological models of consensus as they emerged from early modern controversies in logic, rhetoric, moral philosophy, theology and law, and how they were re-deployed within natural philosophy;
  • methods of collective inquiry in early modern natural philosophy;
  • the role of consensus models and methods of collective inquiry in the public dissemination of early modern natural philosophy;
  • the actuality of early modern consensus models and methods of collective inquiry in relation to current philosophy of science and science communication studies.

PI: Mogens Laerke (CNRS Research Director at IHRIM
The project is co-hosted by ENS de Lyon and the Maison Française d’Oxford (MFO)

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Wednesday 1 May 2024

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