Skills to transform the food system - IFSTAL launch event

IFSTAL is a voluntary and interdisciplinary programme for graduate students on food systems, offering a complimentary source of theory and practice-based learning on food-related issues. We are starting our fifth year of food systems teaching and learning. IFSTAL is coordinated by the Food Systems Group in the Environmental Change Institute at the University of Oxford, in partnership with the University of Warwick, and the London Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health (comprising the Royal Veterinary College, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the School of Oriental and African Studies). It offers participants all sorts of opportunities – a peer community, access to faculty at other universities, and workplace links. You can find out more on our website:

In 2019/20 we will hold four workshops, a public lecture, and summer school – these events are free for graduate students to attend. IFSTAL has online learning materials for students to work through before they attend the workshops. The programme involves considerable workplace input and engagement to help students think about their careers after university