South East European Studies at Oxford (SEESOX)

SEESOX is part of the European Studies Centre at the University of Oxford. It focuses on the interdisciplinary study of the relationship between European integration and the politics, economics and societies of the Balkans, Greece, Turkey and Cyprus. Drawing on the academic excellence of the University and an international network of associates, it conducts policy relevant research on the multifaceted transformations of the region in the 21st century. It follows closely conflict and post-conflict situations and analyses the historical and intellectual influences which have shaped perceptions and actions in the region. In Oxford’s best tradition, the SEESOX team is committed to understanding the present through the longue duree and reflecting on the future through high quality scholarship. SEESOX has the following objectives: 

- To support high-quality research on South East Europe. – To organise conferences, workshops and research seminars. – To promote multi-disciplinary study of the region’s development within Oxford University (e.g. politics, international relations, law, sociology, economics) working in collaboration with other Centres and Programmes within the University, including student societies. – To spearhead intellectual exchanges and debate on these issues among networks of individuals and institutions beyond Oxford. – To foster cooperation between the academic and the policy-making community

Wednesday 26 February 2025

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