Environmental History Working Group

EHWG is a group which runs informal meetings for those interested in studying the past in ways that recognize the interactions and interconnectedness of animals, plants, humans, other beings, and the environment. We make space to talk about exciting developments in our fields, interdisciplinary conversations, and new ideas and approaches. We try to keep discussions and presentations informal, and we encourage anyone at all interested in these kinds of approaches to join our meetings, regardless of research specialism or presumed existing knowledge. Our sessions are mainly attended by graduate students and undergraduates who were considering writing a dissertation or embarking on further study in the field, but all are welcome.

For further information or to join the EHWG mailing list, please email mailto:environmentalhistoryworkinggroup-owner@maillist.ox.ac.uk

Find out more at the TORCH Environmental Humanities Research Hub here: www.torch.ox.ac.uk/environmental-humanities-research-hub

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