- Human Genetics and the Discovery of New Medicines David Altshuler MD PhD, Executive Vice President for Global Research and Chief Scientific Officer, Vertex Pharmaceuticals gives the CPM Annual Lecture, 'Human Genetics and the Discovery of New Medicines'. The Centre for Personalised Medicine Annual Lecture will take place on Wednesday 9 November 2016 at 17.15 at the Mathematical Institute. The talk will be followed by drinks and nibbles.
Please email cpm@well.ox.ac.uk if you have any questions. David Altshuler (Vertex Pharmaceuticals) Centre for Personalised Medicine Seminars
- Public debate at The Oxford Union: Climate Change and Health Students from the MSc International Health & Tropical Medicine class will debate issues surrounding climate change and health (three debates during the course of the afternoon). This year’s cohort are a diverse group of 26 students from 21 countries with varied disciplinary backgrounds. All welcome!
Various Speakers
Tropical Medicine Seminars
- Structure contra Structuralism in Raymond Williams. This is the second of two linked seminars (Oct 26 and Nov 23) on Raymond Williams’s ‘Structures of Feeling’ and will be available to view online from 8.15 pm on Monday November 23, for 7 days. The link will be sent by email that day. To receive the link please email paul.tod@sjc.ox.ac.uk
Please note that there will not be an online discussion with viewers, but comments may be posted on oxfordpsychoanalysis.blogspot.com
Niall Gildea Interdisciplinary Seminars in Psychoanalysis
- Marion Milner and the psychoanalytic essay As last term, the seminar is online only and will be available to view online from 8.15 pm on Monday May 17th, for 7 days. The link will be sent by email that day. If you were registered last term, you will automatically receive the link this term. To register for the first time, please email paul.tod@sjc.ox.ac.uk. Please note that there will not be an online discussion with viewers, but comments may be posted on http://oxfordpsychoanalysis.blogspot.com David Russell (Corpus Christie College Oxford) Interdisciplinary Seminars in Psychoanalysis
- Beyond Milgram: towards a theory of implicit violence As last term, the seminar is online only and will be available to view online from 8.15 pm on Monday June 14th, for 7 days. The link will be sent by email that day. If you were registered last term, you will automatically receive the link this term. To register for the first time, please email paul.tod@sjc.ox.ac.uk. Please note that there will not be an online discussion with viewers, but comments may be posted on http://oxfordpsychoanalysis.blogspot.com David Kaposi (Open University) Interdisciplinary Seminars in Psychoanalysis
- St Cross Special Ethics Seminar: The ‘human element’ in the social space of the courtroom: Framing and influencing the deliberative process in mental capacity law This event will be held both online and in-person. See webpage for booking/registration links. If attending in-person, please note the following:
Please do not attend the seminar if you are displaying any symptoms of COVID-19.
Social distancing is no longer mandatory, however we will be running at a reduced capacity until further notice to allow people to maintain a comfortable distance and be considerate of others’ space.
The wearing of face coverings is no longer mandatory however we strongly encourage the use of face coverings when moving around the building and using communal spaces, corridors, bathrooms etc.
Regular symptom-free testing will continue to be strongly encouraged for all staff who are working on site. Professor Michael Dunn New St Cross Special Ethics Seminar Series
- ‘Structures of feeling’ and psychoanalysis: revisiting Raymond Williams on social forms of consciousness. As last term, the seminar is online only and will be available to view online from 8.15 pm on Monday November 15th, for 7 days. The link will be sent by email that day. If you were registered last term, you will automatically receive the link this term. To register for the first time, please email paul.tod@sjc.ox.ac.uk. Please note that there will not be an online discussion with viewers, but comments may be posted on http://oxfordpsychoanalysis.blogspot.com . Following Michael Rustin's talk there will be a response from Louise Braddock. Michael Rustin (UEL) Interdisciplinary Seminars in Psychoanalysis
- Vaccine policies and challenge trials: the ethics of relative risk in public health This event will be held both online and in-person. See webpage for booking/registration links. If attending in-person, please note the following:
Please do not attend the seminar if you are displaying any symptoms of COVID-19.
Social distancing is no longer mandatory, however we will be running at a reduced capacity until further notice to allow people to maintain a comfortable distance and be considerate of others’ space.
The wearing of face coverings is no longer mandatory however we strongly encourage the use of face coverings when moving around the building and using communal spaces, corridors, bathrooms etc.
Regular symptom-free testing will continue to be strongly encouraged for all staff who are working on site.
Dr Sarah Chan (University of Edinburgh) New St Cross Special Ethics Seminar Series
- Unconscious phantasy, and Richard Wollheim on dispositions As last term, the seminar is online only and will be available to view online from 8.15 pm on Monday December 6th, for 14 days. The link will be sent by email that day. If you were registered last term, you will automatically receive the link this term. To register for the first time, please email paul.tod@sjc.ox.ac.uk. Please note that there will not be an online discussion with viewers, but comments may be posted on http://oxfordpsychoanalysis.blogspot.com
Following Elisa Galgut's talk there will be short responses from Damien Freeman (Australian Catholic University), Louise Gyler (Australian Psychoanalytical Society), and Derek Matravers (Open University). Elisa Galgut (Cape Town) Interdisciplinary Seminars in Psychoanalysis
- The "Derridean Pharmacology" of the Transitional Object The seminar is online only, and will be available to view online from 8.15pm on Monday 23rd May for 7 days. The link will be sent by email on that day. If you were registered last term, you will automatically receive the link this term. To register for the first time, please email paul.tod@sjc.ox.ac.uk. Please note that there will not be an online discussion with viewers, but comments may be posted on http://oxfordpsychoanalysis.blogspot.com Charlie Gere (Lancaster University) Interdisciplinary Seminars in Psychoanalysis
- Borderlands of the Ego The seminar is online only and will be available to view online from 8.15pm on Monday 13th June for 7 days. The link will be sent by email on that day. If you were registered last term then you will automatically receive the link this term. To register for the first time please email paul.tod@sjc.ox.ac.uk. Please note that there will not be an online discussion with viewers, but comments may be posted on http://oxfordpsychoanalysis.blogspot.com Matt ffytche (University of Essex) Interdisciplinary Seminars in Psychoanalysis
- Economics, semiotics, and psychoanalysis: a case for an interpretive science of economics. This will be our first in-room seminar for a couple of years; note the new time of 8pm and the new venue, the New Seminar Room in the main college (St Johns' on St Giles'); there will be brisk ventilation in the room, and warm clothing is advised.
There will be a later online version of the talk and a discussion with Kier Martin (Oslo) and Ivano Cardinale (Goldsmith's); the link for this will be sent to those registered and others expressing interest.
Seating will be limited so that you *must* register in advance; please contact paul.tod@sjc.ox.ac.uk to do so. Louise Braddock Interdisciplinary Seminars in Psychoanalysis